
About Us

Welcome to Peshtaaz LLC, where we turn real estate listings into stunning visual stories. Our mission is to enhance the real estate market with top-notch photography and videography services that showcase properties in their best light.

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Our Services and Commitment at

Peshtaaz LLC

At Peshtaaz LLC, we offer a wide range of services designed to showcase the best features of every property. We don’t just take pictures or do marketing; our focus is on creating a vision, capturing emotions, and helping properties sell faster and at better prices. With innovative techniques, fast service, and stunning results, our commitment is to provide the best experience for our clients and help ensure the success of their properties.

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Our Successful


At Peeshtaz, we're proud of the real estate photography and videography we've completed. Our work highlights properties with quality visuals and immersive videos, showcasing their true potential. Each project reflects our dedication to excellence and creativity.